

As mobile phone coverage becomes near-universal, the BT telephone box is seldom used and under threat. On a recent trip to the Isle of Mull, I was saddened to discover most of the rural kiosks in a very dilapidated state. These former nodes of communication have evidently made or received fewer than the 52 calls per year required for BT to maintain them. I aim to fight this sorry state of affairs by using them where possible, hounding BT on Twitter about their upkeep, and where they have fallen into permanent disrepair record their presence in the landscape - once such comfort to the lonely hill walker.

“What is this ridiculous mid-century ruin lust?” I hear you say. Well, I genuinely feel they have a similar sort of pathos to an empty automated lighthouse - the lost idea that somebody is there, connected in a physical sense on the end of a line. Furthermore, even if they must be stuffed full of Dan Brown paperbacks, surely the phone itself cannot cost that much to maintain.

Back in the 1990s, my mate Seth Pascoe used to call up the operator to ask the time. It was about 50/50 whether they would just tell him or direct him to the talking clock.

Price of everything and the value of nothing at BT these days.


* Image for illustration purposes. You will receive a Polaroid of a random telephone box on Isle of Mull.**

The phone boxes will all be photographed on Polaroid film - poorly functioning and expensve, it should have gone the way of the fax machine, but saved from the dustbin on pure nostalgia alone it persists. For just ten pounds including UK postage you can own your own peice of unique analogue photography and telecommunications heritage! 

** If you would like a specific kiosk please add the appropriate option below. I will also consider commissions. 

K6 - The classic red box that tourists love. 

KX100 - The much cooler modern design.